Parish Council Meeting

Charing Parish Hall Station Road, Charing, Kent, United Kingdom

Start time 7.30pm top room parish hall.

GALA Variety Show

Charing Parish Hall Station Road, Charing, Kent, United Kingdom

£40 pp 3 course meal Artists include  Harry Collins, Charing Guild of Players, Tickets available from Sarah 07480135139 or from The Post Office. 


Parish Council Meeting

Charing Parish Hall Station Road, Charing, Kent, United Kingdom

Start time 7.30pm top room parish hall.

The Magical Evening Christmas Fayre

Charing Church Barn Market Place, Charing, Kent, United Kingdom

5pm-8pm Christmas goodies to buy. Children's Roundabout, Faversham Mission Brass , Shetland Ponies, Childrens Marque, huge tombola,Homemade preserves Grand Draw, Tipple Basket and more. Hot food available. Charing Church Barn and the Market Place. High Street shops open late.


Coffee Morning

Charing Church Barn Market Place, Charing, Kent, United Kingdom

Coffee Morning 10.30-12.30. In the Church Barn when the prize draws will take place.


Parish Council Meeting

Charing Parish Hall Station Road, Charing, Kent, United Kingdom

Start time 7.30pm top room parish hall.


Charing Parish Hall Station Road, Charing, Kent, United Kingdom

Charing Parish hall Station rd Two classes 19.00-20.00 &20.00-21.00

Ultimate Michael Buble Experience

Fantastic Evening raising money for Charing School and Charing Scouts Hut. Saturday 27th Jan 2018 Charing Primary School Doors open at 7pm for 7.30pm start Entry £20pp - Licenced Bar Purchase Tickets from Charing Post Office or contact Sarah 07480135139