Parish Magazine Coffee Morning

Charing Church Barn Market Place, Charing, Kent, United Kingdom

Would you like to help with the Magazine? Do you currently help with the Magazine? We are holding a free coffee morning for all those people who want to help and currently support the Magazine. Pop down for a coffee and find out more. All welcome. Sarah & Ray 01233-714686

Overcome Stress & Anxiety Workshop.

Charing Surgery Surgery Close

NLP & Health series workshop by Yvonne Fernando NLP Master Practitioner & Life Coach To Book Tel:01233-878474


Horatio Nelson & Emma Hamilton, Talk

Charing Parish Hall Station Road, Charing, Kent, United Kingdom

Charing & District Local History Society host a talk The more human side of Admiral Lord Nelson - through his relationship with Lady Hamilton (postponed from 2017) Doors open at 19:30 for tea & coffee, talk starts at 20:00 Members Free Non-members welcome £3

Knit & Natter

Charing Library 5 Market Square,, Charing, Kent

Come to the newly redecorated library and join our Knit & Natter group

Moat Lake & Woodland open morning

The Moat Management Team will be holding open mornings once a month, commencing in April, and would welcome visitors to come along and enjoy the wildlife and see the work they do to maintain this hidden gem.

Songs of Praise

Charing Church Barn Market Place, Charing, Kent, United Kingdom

Come and join us for tea, cake and choose your favourite hymns at a Songs of Praise. Leave your money at home it's all FREE! Why not bring a friend? Arranged by Charing Church of England and Methodist Churches.

Gladman Inquiry Resumes Day 1 Update

Civic Centre Tannery Lane, Ashford, Kent, United Kingdom

The Inquiry resumed today. First Linda Harper from Poppyfields gave a statement outlining the problems experienced by Poppyfields with the sewage system and the fact that 40% of planning conditions had not been implemented until residents protested with some still not adhered to. The point was to demonstrate that merely imposing planning conditions will not […]

Gladman Inquiry Extra Day 2

Civic Centre Tannery Lane, Ashford, Kent, United Kingdom

Cross examination of Gladman's transport witness continued in the morning. Tim Bain-Smith then spoke on the archaeological potential of the site. In the afternoon it was the turn of Gladman's planning expert. Getting all of this done meant the Inquiry continued until past 7pm. Tomorrow is the site visit where no public attendance is needed. […]