And So To Bed ….. A History of Teddies & Other Bears. Talk by Melanie Gibson-Barton

Charing Parish Hall Station Road, Charing, Kent, United Kingdom

A fun talk of Bear Essentials to appeal to arctophiles and bear lovers! Originally inspired by a teddy bear that brought comfort to its owner during the Battle of the Bulge. BRING YOUR OWN TEDDY ALONG. Doors open at 19.30 for tea & coffee; talk starts at 20.00 p.m. Members Free. Non-members very welcome £3.


Charing Gardeners Talk

Charing Church Barn Market Place, Charing, Kent, United Kingdom

Maureen Rainey from Kent Wildlife Trust ‘Small Meadows for Gardens’ There are lots of things you can do in even the smallest space to replicate the meadow habitat and still have an attractive garden, which will give you lots of pleasure. New members always welcome. Raffle and Plant stall. £2 members £3 non members inc […]


Short Mat Bowls

Charing Heath Memorial Hall Church Hill, Charing Heath, United Kingdom

Charing Heath & Lenham Heath Memorial Hall.


Annual Parish Meeting

Charing Parish Hall Station Road, Charing, Kent, United Kingdom

Click here for meeting agenda

Short Mat Bowls

Charing Heath Memorial Hall Church Hill, Charing Heath, United Kingdom

Charing Heath & Lenham Heath Memorial Hall.


Sundial Garden Working Party

Please join us for our second sundial garden working party for 2019. Let’s make sure the garden is looking great for everyone to enjoy as we go from spring into summer. Please bring your own hand tools and gloves. It’s not all heavy work. Just an hour of your time would be much appreciated. You […]